How to install application on the computer

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When I get my computer that I chose in the last assignment, I would have to install couple applications to the computer that doesn't come with the computer and I need it.

The apps I would need to install are:

I need Facebook because Facebook allows me to socialize with my friends and it also keeps me up to date with social media and what's going in the world. I also need Google Chrome because like I said in the previous assignment, I don't like things slow and I find internet explorer slower than chrome. That's why I want to install chrome on my computer.

How to Install Applications from the Windows App Store

  1. Turn on the computer
  2. Connect to the internet (tutorial on the next page)
  3. Go to google chrome or any other browser
  4. Go to the
  5. Search apps that you want to download
  6. Click 'get the app' button and download the app
  7. A tab will pop up saying Run, Save and Cancel. Click Save.
  8. After clicking save, another tab will pop up saying Allow Access and Cancel. Click Allow or Allow Access depending on the computer

How to Install Applications from other than the Windows App Store

  1. Do steps 1 & 2 from the steps above
  2. Search the app that you want on a browser
  3. Open the official website of that app
  4. Click download app
  5. Rest of the steps are same as 7 & 8 from the steps above

Click here to learn how to connect to the internet

Click here to learn the best way to share and transfer informations